
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Just wanted to take a minute to say thank you. Thank you for being a part of sISTA gIRLS,.. thank you for reading our posts, thank you for logging in to us, Please continue to spread the word about and share this blog with others . We're hoping to do big things in the name of sISTA gIRLS.

I know I have said this before, but friends are a blessing from above. They share your joys and your griefs, your up and your downs, your good times and your bad. They are a source of laughter and comfort. My friends have been a source of strength for me and I am grateful for them. I am proud to be their friend and to call them mine. We are happy to share with you who read our blog and are truly happy to share stories and posts with you.

It is true that gratitude is abundance. We have grown since we first started and every day I am grateful for all of you. You have made the difference in our lives. We hope to continue this for as long as possible. All we ask is that you continue to join us and that you share us with your friends and family and join in the conversation. Together we can highlight and work on supportive female friendships. 

Today ... listen, lend an ear, spend time together, enjoy each other ... basically do what I know you do so well ... be a friend... and... be grateful for those you had, those you have,  those you will have and for the opportunity to be one to someone else. Remember, we need each other and accomplish more when we look to each other. 
Thank YOU for being our friend
for traveling down this road with us, 
and back again
our hearts are full 
you are all our pals... our confidants

One day we'll throw a party
we'll invite each and everyone of you
and you will see 
what a joy friendship can be

the theme of our party will be
ThaNK YOU for being our FRieND!!!

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