An Awakened Woman
I like to think of myself as an awakened woman. An awakened woman is a woman coming into her spiritual self. She is engaged in a loving and full-bodied, nothing-held-back love affair with the great mystery of life - love. She is in and of the world, but abides in it with fierce honesty, intense openness, deep connection, majestic compassion, gentle grace and freedom. She lives, eats and breathes real love. She meditates, practices some form of spiritual exercise - like yoga and believes life is more than just what we know. She is a force of nature- unstoppable
The longer I live, the more I realize this world needs awakened women… needs what awakened women have - compassion, intuition, wisdom, interconnection, and an open, giving, nurturing, and inspiring nature. Awakened women listen deeply, respond from our hearts and act based on our instincts.
Awakened women are devoted to a life lived with spiritually, lovingly, freely and openly. We are advanced seekers on the path to enlightenment. We have exuberant passion, spiritual powers and deep insight and (fyi) are capable of giving birth to future peacemakers.
Today, let us all be awakened women. Let us be the giving, vulnerable, connected, compassionate, wise, strong, open women the world needs to change and grow towards love and unity. Let us journey to love, explore our passions, discover our sexuality, open to our spirituality and accept our selves wholly and completely as perfectly flawed as we are. Let us be the difference we want to see in the world... it begins with us. Awakened women... we make a difference one day and one step at a time.
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