She designed a life she loved and that has made all the difference
Lot of talk lately about how to live the life dreams are made of. Lots of opinions, suggestions, ideas, and options. I've listened a lot, read a lot, and thought even more about this subject. One thing is certain - the dreams we have are no accident. They would not rest in our hearts, if they could not happen. The would not abide in our souls, if we weren't meant to have them. They would not squeeze our hearts with longing, if they weren't real... if they weren't possibilities.
How do we acquire our dreams? How do we live the lives we desire the most? I think we have to get out of our own way. We have to look fear in the face, realize that it is False Evidence Appearing Real, and tell it to be on its way. Once we release fear - a day-by-day process until it becomes natural for us; we can begin to live.
We start in our heads - that is where so many of us spend most of our time anyway. We DReaM in our heads. We create the highest, grandest dream possible for ourselves. We dream the truest dream for us. Don't dream someone else's dream, dream your own dream. Step into your big dog shoes, look at your life and decide what life you - being true to you, want. Now I know some of you are thinking- "but it's in my head..." My response- of course it's happening inside your head, where else would it start. You have to think it before it can happen. You have to know what you want before it can be true for you.That doesn't mean it isn't real. If anything, that is what makes it real. If you can see it in your head, you can create it in your reality. So... design the life you want. Dream big!
Next - believe it! It is in believing in your dreams that you become your dreams. Be your dreams! Believe in the dreams you have for your life, because you become what you believe.Believe it in your heart. Your heart is the home of possibilities. Your heart is the space from which you can create. Your heart is where faith in yourself and your possibilities exist. So, close your eyes, imagine your dream life, and fell it flow through you. Give it depth. Strengthen it with faith. Have confidence in its possibility. Be it! That's right! Be. Your. Dreams. Imagine yourself in your life - being it... living it... having it! The more you believe, the more intense your vision of it will be. The more intense your vision, the more likely you will have it.
Then Create it! You are the creator of your life. How you design it, is how you will live it; so design a life you will love. No one else can do it for you. Think about it. Set a course of action for it, and Do it. Do what it takes to have your dreams. Do it with joy and gratitude. Do it from a space of unknown possibilities. Be committed to your dream showing up for you however it needs to show up for you. The universe will rise up to meet you and say yes. Just step up to your dream and begin.
If you DReaM the life you truly desire. If you BeLieVe in your heart that this life is possible, and then CReaTe your dream life with your actions... If you BEcome your dream,if you DO what it takes, with trust, faith, and gratitude... you will HAVE the life of your dreams!!!
I'm not saying its going to be a cake walk. You will have bad days. But your being will get you through. Your believing will keep you going. Your doing will provide results. So... Dream! Create! Believe! ... Be your dreams! Do what it take! You will Have your heart's desire!
Just get up and go for it! You got this!!!
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