
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Are you ready to step out... be a risk-taker?

just finished reading an old posting of mine from about five years ago. It was me reviewing a conversation I’d had with a friend, and as a result, acknowledging that I had not been upfront and honest about my feelings about dating again, and that I had not been putting myself out there in my relationships. I had not even realized that I had not been doing this. It is ironic because I had a similar conversation with my sister just last month. She said my actions show that I am not open and willing to put myself out there in relationships. And yet, I am much further along than I was five years ago. Once again, although I was sure I was being open and putting myself out there, I was not.  So to hear that what I thought I was thinking and feeling was not consistent with my actions was surprising..

While I could argue and refute these assessments, what would be the point. Better to honestly examine my actions, or lack thereof and see if they are right - do they match where I am emotionally. I did so and I have to admit it. I have unconsciously wrapped my arms so tight around myself, to avoid pain, that I have not allowed myself room to actually step out, trust and take chances. Or, I have stepped out so far and expected so much, I have pushed people away. So whether I’m not in it or I’m pushing too hard, I am clearly self-sabotaging.

In my prior blog, my friend dared me to write about it in my blog. She said a true blog is about the successes and failures of the writer. She said it would not only help me, it might help others. I believed then that she was right (she usually is), and I believe the same today. Back then I took her challenge, and I am again taking her challenge and sharing our conversation. I am acknowledging that although I have repeatedly said I am ready; I have, unbeknown to myself, done everything but take a sincere leap of faith.

Today, in this post, I acknowledge my inability, in the past, to step out in faith, while acknowledging my desire to enter into happy, healthy, loving relationships (of all kinds). I am indeed ready to be open and trusting, and through that, trust the process and take action when opportunities present themselves (and even create possibilities). I am going to be gentle with myself and allow myself to go with the flow of things while being honest with myself about where I want things to end up. I am going forward with open eyes, open arms and an open, trusting heart.

What about the rest of you? Are you ready to step out in faith? Are you ready to trust the process? Are you ready to be open to possibilities? Are you willing to tell someone how you feel (boss, family, friend, lover). Let’s give it a try. You may be glad you did.

Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

Author Unknown

Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?

Frank Scully

Saturday, November 1, 2014

an updated blog post - poems, prayers and reflection for sista girls

Even sISTA gIRLS sometimes need a little prayer... especially on a rainy day. Rainy days cause me to pause and reflect. Today, on this first day of November - a month of thankfulness and gratitude, please keep us and ours in your prayers... as we keep you and yours uplifted in prayer. We are spreading smiles and love this November, knowing the world will right up and all will be well. In the meantime, here is a little poem to fill your day.

Hope is a bird singing before the sun does rise
Hope is a flower’s fragrance even sweeter as it dies
Hope is a brilliant sky that preludes that day’s end
Hope is a “really, you too” that signals a new friend

Hope is a thing inspired on a warm and sunny day
Hope is a thing desired when the sunshine’s gone away
Hope is the thing you turn to when your life’s about to bust

Hope is a thing believed in when there’s nothing left to trust

and here is a prayer to fill your heart and spirit

may your day be filled with friends and laughter
may your weekend be filled with family and goodness
may your body be filled with good health
may your heart be filled with light and loving kindness
may your world be filled with beauty
may your soul be filled with peace and joy
may life be filled with sunshine
may your life overflow with happiness and love
and may you always have  sISTA gIRLS to share it all with

LOVE YOU ALL ... TAKE CARE ... until tomorrow

Thursday, October 30, 2014

do you have people who support you? are you supportive?

My days lately have been full - very full. I have time for my writing, my businesses, and the course I'm taking in personal development. I make/find time for my responsibilities, my family, my friends, and my animals. With the time that is left, I do me and the things I enjoy. With what is left, I sleep. It is the most busy I have been in years. A couple of days ago, some of my family, my sISTA gIRL and I sat with a glass of wine and a bite of food and discussed life, personal development and our dreams fro the future. It was wonderful. We were all fully connected to each other and fully supportive of our future dreams. It is not the first time we have had this conversation and not the first time we have supported each other.

I was reading through some of my old posts and I came across a blog that had comments I'd like to share with you...

"I live the life I live and do the things I do because of the choices I have made. I accept the consequences of my choices because they are my choices. I try not to complain or gripe, even when I am overwhelmed. I sometimes feel I am in my life alone and that no one understands where I am or how I feel. But then my friend comes along and says something like that  ("I wish I had more money and you more time, I would send you on a trip so you could rest, relax and regroup.") and I realize I am not alone ... that someone cares... that someone understands. That someone is my friend, my girl, mysISTA gIRL  and i am grateful for her.

"We all go through things that take a toll on our lives, our souls, our emotions. We can ignore its effects on us and dig our heels in and keep on or we can remember there are people out there who love us and are willing to help or lend an ear or a shoulder if we would just reach out. Sometimes all they can give is support and encouragement ... but funny ... for me .... that was more than enough. We sat and laughed about good times and what we would do and where we would go if we could. that brief respire made my day and has lingered in the back of my mind for days."

At the end of that post, I thanked my sISTA gIRL for her love and support. She is still my sISTA gIRL, my anam cara, my kindred spirit today and I still thank her for her love and support. But today, I also want to thank my family members who have been there for me, supporting and encouraging me. I also want to thank them and my sISTA gIRL for allowing me the opportunity to give them feedback in an atmosphere of love and vulnerability. They know that I speak from a place of love and support, as they do when they speak to me.

I wish everyone a friend like my sISTA gIRL. I wish everyone family members like mine. I wish everyone to have happy, healthy, loving, harmonious, open, connected relationships. 

May each and everyone of you have friends, family members, and partners who recognize when you are drowning and rescue you with a word, a smile, or a hug; who support you when your stuff is tight and things are going right; and who stand by you just because and ride the wave with you. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

more on forgiving yourself

in order to love others kindly and gently; love yourself kindly and gently
in order to forgive others, and move on; forgive yourself, and  move on
I say all the time that spirit meets spirit and that the universe rises up to meet us where we are when we are truly connected. That has become evident to me today. Yesterday i wrote about forgiving yourself, last night a friend spoke to me about having to do work on forgiving himself and today the discussion of forgiving one's self and others has continued.

Forgive Yourself

forgive yourself -
the first step to ending
some of your health issues
and the lies you tell yourself

time can eat away at life
forgive yourself
for losing track
there still is so much more

when the walls are closing all around
and you're holding yourself back
forgive yourself -
and release what is keeping you caged

what's the first step to letting go
of the anger toward those
who destroyed your visions -
forgive yourself

when you choose to do
all that you can
to prove you can
when there are things you can’t

forgive yourself
in forgiving yourself
you give yourself
license to forgive others

forgive yourself
in forgiving yourself
you open yourself  
to joy and love

forgive yourself
for in giving yourself
the gift of
forgiving yourself

you also get the opportunity 
to begin again

Thursday, October 16, 2014

can you let go of your perceptions? Can you forgive yourself?

so i had the most interesting conversation today with someone. ironic the conversation took place in autumn, the day after a night of rain. it was all about how our perceptions of ourselves and our lives effect every other aspect of our life. I got it, my friend did not. That is not to say I always get it, but it is to say this was one of those conversations where I got it and was trying to help them get it.

autumn  - i love this season, it reminds me how beautiful letting go can be when done in a healthy environment, in a a healthy way, for the right reasons. We let go of what no longer fits, what no longer suits, what no longer works. we let go to have new, to have better; we let go to heal, to grow; we let go to be better, because it is time.

and rain - i love the rain, the feel of wetness and the rhythm of the drops, it enriches my soul. the morning after a night of rain is always a cleaner, purer, fresher day. as though the rain released and then washed away all the toxins. the aftermath is usually a day of sun, and sweet smells and lighter essences. so, when we release the toxins that hold us hostage and allow them to be washed away, we too emerge cleaner, sweeter and lighter in essence. 

sometimes in order to let go we have to acknowledge that the way we see things is not fact ... not truth - even though it may be a truth for us. In reality it is just a perception and a perception is a personal belief. further - a truth is not a fact. a truth is a perception you have based on what you know and truths change as your knowledge grows.

anyway, i was trying to get my friend to understand that their truths were really based on their perceptions, and that if they would forgive themselves, it would actually change their perceptions, and open them and their lives up to new possibilities. if my friend would begin by forgiving their self, they would be able to forgive others and that forgiveness would allow joy, love and healing into their life in whole new and unexpected ways.

i know how hard it is to do this work. to examine your perceptions, acknowledge that some are no longer relevant and then discard them. it is hard to forgive yourself and others, and leave yourself open to new possibilities. it is hard to let go of what has been our constant companion for so long, but that is how we get better, that is how we make room for new and improved in our lives. that is how we heal and grow.

i don't know if my friend really got it. i left them to think about what i said. but this i know for sure. forgiveness must start with forgiving yourself just as loving others begins with first loving ourselves. and we can't let go of things outside of our control if we don't first let go of the things within our control. it is hard work. sometimes it is sad work, at times it is angry work, but once done, a weight comes off and you feel lighter and airy. better... whole new possibilities begin to to open up and paths towards you are cleared.

my suggestion - go for it. take a chance on yourself. you are smarter than you realize. stronger than you know and more resilient than you believe. it is worth it and you will be glad you did. SO... today... forgive yourself, let go, release those toxins and then breathe in the cleaner, sweeter, lighter essence that is you. when you are done, be prepared for all the wonderfulness that has been waiting to come rushing to you...  be prepared... it will happen and it will be good. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

How to handle a bad day

WE all have bad days. Days when the issues in our life overwhelm us. Days when we want to run screaming from life while pulling our hair out. We know, however, that is not the answer. What should we do instead? When I am having a bad day I try to find time to go out, take a walk, clear my head, release my frustrations. I try to spend some time in meditation and some time in nature, be grateful for my blessings. Then, when i am done, I usually feel better. Meditation calms me, waling in nature clears my head and gratitude fills me with joy. Some days it works like a charm, some days it is not so good. But, for the most part, when I am done I feel better.

 However I feel, when I am done I check to see if my sISTA gIRL is available to go have drinks, or eat, or just spend time with me. She usually knows what I am dealing with. She listens to my troubles, doesn't always say a lot ... just lets me vent. She is a great friend. She is my kindred spirit, my sister, my Anam Cara.

Today, if you are having a bad day ... go commune with nature. it will calm you and remind you of the beauty in the world and your many blessings. Take some time to be in silence, it will allow you to hear your inner voice of calm and remind you that peace is within you whenever you need it. Take a walk or run, or spend some time with a pet or child; it will perk up your spirits to help you feel better. Spend some time in gratitude. Being grateful for the things you already have, the people presently in your life, and the things that ARE going right, help to balance the tables and bring you some joy. Then go hang out with a sISTA gIRL; spending time with her will definitely put a smile on your face.

If, you are in a great mood and having a good day, do the opposite. Find a friend who needs you and just be there for them. Be a shoulder or an ear. Sometimes just your presence is enough to get them back on their feet and feeling better about themselves or the situation.

Whoever you are today, whichever you do, the one thing I know for sure is ...

I learned this Swedish proverb when I was in high school and have never forgotten it. I guess its because over the years, I have learned that friendships are based in love and love is the greatest healing therapy there is and

.......Wait ......

That was my sISTA gIRL calling to make sure I am okay and asking if I want to hang out tonight. You know I said yes. And now, I am out. I love autumn days like this... sunny and not too cold. I 'm gonna go to the park, walk a bit, sit in silence, watch the birds and squirrels, count my blessings and then hang out with my Anam Cara.

Here's wishing you a good life, better days and even better friends. Ciao!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Just wanted to take a minute to say thank you. Thank you for being a part of sISTA gIRLS,.. thank you for reading our posts, thank you for logging in to us, Please continue to spread the word about and share this blog with others . We're hoping to do big things in the name of sISTA gIRLS.

I know I have said this before, but friends are a blessing from above. They share your joys and your griefs, your up and your downs, your good times and your bad. They are a source of laughter and comfort. My friends have been a source of strength for me and I am grateful for them. I am proud to be their friend and to call them mine. We are happy to share with you who read our blog and are truly happy to share stories and posts with you.

It is true that gratitude is abundance. We have grown since we first started and every day I am grateful for all of you. You have made the difference in our lives. We hope to continue this for as long as possible. All we ask is that you continue to join us and that you share us with your friends and family and join in the conversation. Together we can highlight and work on supportive female friendships. 

Today ... listen, lend an ear, spend time together, enjoy each other ... basically do what I know you do so well ... be a friend... and... be grateful for those you had, those you have,  those you will have and for the opportunity to be one to someone else. Remember, we need each other and accomplish more when we look to each other. 
Thank YOU for being our friend
for traveling down this road with us, 
and back again
our hearts are full 
you are all our pals... our confidants

One day we'll throw a party
we'll invite each and everyone of you
and you will see 
what a joy friendship can be

the theme of our party will be
ThaNK YOU for being our FRieND!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What if we could look into each other’s heart

I was just thinking about this quote today in relation to a new woman I have met who seems to push the buttons of moist of the people who don't really know her. The people who seem to have taken the time to know her, seem to love her. It was slightly confusing... until I remembered this quote. Then I understood. Her friends had taken the time to look into her heart and now understood her and in understanding her had grown to love her. It does make me wish, when we looked at people, we could see their hearts and souls and not just the outer packaging. I guess it is something I have to work n, inside me - to see past the outer trimmings to the goodness within. Anyway, as a result, I just had to re-post this
If we could look into each other’s heart and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance and care.
--Soul vision healing --

such a beautiful quote.

i have an acquaintance, she is a caring individual with a very abrupt, brusque manner. i have a relative, also very caring with a victim mentality. both of these individuals walk on the wild side when it comes to opinions and don't back down. even when they are the only one, and even in the midst of a crowd. they are also needy and don't know how to express their need.

people often tease them about their opinions and talk about them behind their backs. i wish i could say i never participate but that would be a lie. but i do always interject with a reminder that they are caring people who deserve love even if they are different. i try to understand the things that have brought them to where they are, and try to at least view them from a place of tolerance.

when i read this quote, it touched me. i thought of them immediately and knew i had to share it with you... my sISTA gIRLS.

i am sure in all of our lives, there are people who push our buttons, who make us a little crazy, who irk our nerves just a bit, who push us to our limits, take us to places we don't want us to go, and bring out in us the things we would rather never see. in the end, we should be grateful for these people, for their presence in our lives. they force us to see who we really are and the same better people.

so, the next time you are with one of these people...friend, relative, acquaintance, step back and try to look at them with eyes and heart wide open. try to see where they are coming from and why they are that way. perhaps you will be able to view them differently and then begin to treat them with caring and tolerance.

hey... think about would want that if it were you i was talking about. as a matter of fact... that person i am talking about... just might be YOU.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Have You Touched the Center of Your Sorrow - how to deal with sorrow

More on The Invitation… how to deal with sorrow

A while back, I shared with all of you some posts from a prior blog. They were on The Invitation. I missed one and thought I would share it with you today. It is on dealing with sorrow.

"It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it."
— from The Invitation, Oriah Mountain dreamer —
I have done all of those things and then some. I have experienced deep sorrow and ultimate betrayal by life. I have closed myself off from fear of further pain. I have just sat with my pain. Years ago, my uncle, a New York City hospital officer was gunned down by a major Columbian drug lord. Years later, my husband, a New York City police officer, was gunned down in the line of duty and my father, who was suffering through two kinds of cancer, died the very next day. At the time, my daughter was a little girl, and my husband and I were trying to have another child…
Those two events were so devastating that at times, all I could do was acknowledge the pain; all I could do was endure. The pain was so overwhelming, I shut down. I don’t even remember most of the events of the year following the deaths of my husband and father. And, when my life began to take on some form of normalcy again, I consciously chose to close myself off from further pain. I let no newcomers into my circle of friends and refused to have any dealings with men. I said I would never date again, never fall in love again.If that wasn’t enough, some of the people in my circle and my husband’s circle could not handle what happened and stopped dealing with my daughter and me. They said that being around us was a constant reminder of what happened and they could not handle that. So they chose to stop being in our lives. They were people who were important to me, but more than that; people who were important to my daughter. We learned to live without the two most important men in our lives and the absence of long-held friendships.
So, I have sat with pain, and just endured. I have closed myself off to avoid further pain. I have done all that. But, in the end, I learned to let go. First, I made new friends. Then, I freed myself of the bonds that the fear of the pain of loss cause and am now I am in a place of hope. I am now open to love; I am open to giving and receiving love. Hell, I’m even open to the knowledge that taking a chance on love also means the possibility of experiencing sorrow all over again… though I hope that doesn’t happen. Was letting go easy? Hell, no it wasn’t. Some of the people who were very close to my family dealt with the deaths by drinking to excess - a sure fire way to avoid facing pain. Some refused to cry, prided themselves on never shedding a tear. Even I even went through a period when I refused to cry. After all, many of us have been taught that tears are a sign of weakness. And, for a while, I was actually unable to cry. But one day, I was caught off guard and I cried. No, I sobbed…great, big, gut-wrenching tears. You know, painful, nose running, hiccup-causing, can’t see or breathe tears…tears so intense you feel like they will never stop. Yes, I cried those tears, and from then on, it was easier to cry. And I must admit, I still sometimes cry and it still hurts. But I believe that moment was the beginning of my cleansing and healing.
In the end, I think the most healing moments came when I just sat with my pain. It was like my skin for such a long time, it was hard not to acknowledge it. But, I mean I really sat with my pain; I examined it; I spoke to it; I let it speak to me. Those moments gave me insight into many aspects of my life, my marriage, my husband and my father. Those moments also gave me insight into where I was with my pain, Those moments are where I eventually found hope. Those moments are where I began to let go.
Today, examine your life. Are there areas of pain you have chosen not to deal with? Pull those painful memories out and begin to tackle them head on. Face your pain, acknowledge it, sit with it, speak to it. Cry if you can. Then determine to conquer your pain and let it go. First acknowledge there is a thing called hope that you can rely on. If you can do this, you can begin to move on.

Good morning heartache / Here we go again / Good morning heartache / You’re the one who knew me when / Might as well get use to you / hanging around / Good morning heartache / Sit down
— written by Irene Higgenbotham, Ervin Drake, and Dan Fisher originally recorded by jazz singer Billie Holiday in 1946) —

— written by angela skeetedavis (asd) —
photographs of the dance “Revelations” created by Alvin Ailey

Friday, October 3, 2014


I am really coming to realize I am... we are... emerging as awakened women, enlightened women, transforming women... with the ability to make a difference. I am honored, blessed, proud to be a woman, to have the opportunity... to take the opportunity to make a difference. Women are amazing, fabulous, rocking forces of nature. In honor of women, I would like to share to it with you.  I wrote this some time ago, please, feel free to comment and share... thank you

Women (shadow poetry)
Living wonderfully…
Dancing with
Hearts and souls…
Spirits singing joyous
Songs … Happy and
Vibrant... with
Love and  nature.
Sharing women…
Peaceful and graceful…
Awakening  women
Laughing… alive.
Women awakening…
Graceful and peaceful.
Women sharing
Nature and love
With vibrant and
Happy  songs …
Joyous singing spirits,
Souls and hearts...
With dancing.
Wonderfully living…
--written by asd --

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Awakened Women

An Awakened Woman
I like to think of myself as an awakened woman. An awakened woman is a woman coming into her spiritual self. She is engaged in a loving and full-bodied, nothing-held-back love affair with the great mystery of life - love. She is in and of the world, but abides in it with fierce honesty, intense openness, deep connection, majestic compassion, gentle grace and freedom. She lives, eats and breathes real love. She meditates, practices some form of spiritual exercise - like yoga and believes life is more than just what we know. She is a force of nature- unstoppable

The longer I live, the more I realize this world needs awakened women… needs what awakened women  have - compassion, intuition, wisdom, interconnection, and an open, giving, nurturing, and inspiring nature. Awakened women listen deeply, respond from our hearts and act based on our instincts.

Awakened women are devoted to a life lived with spiritually, lovingly, freely and openly.  We are advanced seekers on the path to enlightenment. We have exuberant passion, spiritual powers and deep insight and  (fyi) are capable of giving birth to future peacemakers.

Today, let us all be awakened women. Let us be the giving, vulnerable, connected, compassionate, wise, strong, open women the world needs to change and grow towards love and unity. Let us journey to love, explore our passions, discover our sexuality, open to our spirituality and accept our selves wholly and completely as perfectly flawed as we are. Let us be the difference we want to see in the world... it begins with us. Awakened women... we make a difference one day and one step at a time.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Are you expressing gratitude

I purchased The Secret, on DVD and on CD when it first came out some yeras ago, Over the yeras I have listened to and watched it many , many times and one of the things that always stands out is the reference to taking time to say thank you. 

It stood out because during several of the periods in my life when things have seemed rather hopeless... sometimes, before I lamented and complained, I would say thanks for the things that were going right. I figured it would only take a second and then I could get to the stuff really bugging me. Often, however, I would find so much to be thankful for, I would forget what I wanted to complain about.

The Secret recommends that you take time out each day to say thank you for all the things you are grateful for. When I started watching the DVD, I was at a low in my life and figured I would give it a try - it could only help. So I gave it ago. Today, I still try to find time each day to say thank you. Sometimes first thing in the morning, sometimes just before bed and sometimes all throughout the day. I do believe it has helped me to realize all the things, blessings, miracles, and magic I have in my life - even on days when things truly seem bleak. I still sometimes complain after my thanks, but more often now, I am filled with joy and happiness when I think of all my blessings.

So on this day, as we continue on our journey to a better us and a better world; let us begin to take time each day to say thank you for all that is in us and in our lives. Let us recognize the blessings, miracles, moments of magic , kindness and goodness in our lives and express gratitude.

In this vein, I am thankful for my family and my friends. I am thankful for all the children, older people, men and women in my life. I am thankful for my dog, my car and my home. I am thankful for heat, hot water, food and drink in my refrigerator, clothes and shoes in my closet, and the things of beauty in my home. I am thankful for all of my senses and my ability to walk and run, laugh, sing and dance. 

And, while I am at it, I am thankful for fireworks, trees, flowers, sunny and rainy days, cool breezes, and autumn leaves. I am grateful for doctors, teachers, motivators, protectors, healers, historians. I am grateful for farmers, artists, mentors, spiritual guides.... Really, once I get started, I could go on endlessly. The point is, we all have so much to be grateful for, if we would just take a minute to say thank you, we might actually experience a glimpse of heaven in our lives.

Let's all express gratitude for all of creation, including ourselves and start our days off with a joyful bang!

"Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more."

--  Brother David Steindl-Rast (1926 - present) --

Thursday, September 25, 2014

another day of rain musings and sharing

it is a rainy day today and as you know from my prior posts, I love the rain. My back is bugging me today and it is cold so i am not going out to jump in puddles or dance. Instead I am sitting under my favorite blanket while i write this and drinking a nice hot cup of coffee - decaf of course. 

If I can't be out in the rain, snuggled under a blanket warm and toasty is the next best thing. The ultimate would be if I were in front a fireplace and sharing the moment with loved ones - all in due time.

Anyway, I thought I would share with you a newly updated rain post from a prior blog. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment and share. In the meantime, enjoy your day (and night) ... rain or shine...

I was originally going to write about being virtuous. But that has flown from my mind. Instead, as I sit here under my favorite blanket and listen to the sounds of a rainy day just outside my front room window; as I - earlier, opened the window and felt the cool, wet caress of the wind across my face...I remembered just how much I love the rain. I remembered all the things I love to do in the rain. I am enjoying reminiscing about the rain and it is good.

One of my favorite memories is a day I frolicked in the rain with my daughter. It was a hot, rainy day in August. It was during a summer downpour. My daughter and I ran out of the house, into the rain in our lightweight, summer dresses, much to the chagrin of my mother. She fussed a little (she's used to my impulses), but we did not care. We jumped in puddles, splashed each other, got drenched and giggled in girlish delight. We had a great time.

As I remember that and other times of fun in the rain, I can't help but think - isn't it amazing, all the different things we can do in the rain. We can walk and talk in the rain, snuggle and hold hands in the rain. We can lay under mounds of blankets and watch old movies in the rain. We can sing and dance in the rain, eat fondue and stew in the rain. We can have crazy sex or make gentle love in the rain. 

And how many of us actually take the time to think about the beauty of rain? It can be cold and chilling, cool and refreshing, or slick and warm. It can cause you to put on more clothes or totally disrobe. Rain is a great creation. It can destroy as easily as it can create. It helps young things to grow, just as living life to the fullest can help one to grow in many different and exciting ways. And just as too much or too little rain can inhibit progress, so can overindulgence or living life on the sidelines. One can cause illness, addictions or death. The other can cause dust to grow under your feet. When, finally, you get back out into the game of life, you may find that life has left you behind. However, I have also found that sometimes sitting on the sidelines and paying attention can reveal unbelievable insights. And that works because I can catch up. But, I digress...

Rainy days bring out my contemplative nature. So, here I am sharing my thoughts with you. What is flowing through my mind now...poetry

A short verse on rainy day fairies

Rainy day fairies
Who carry the hope of tomorrow
Drop the future on me
and pray
that I am ready

A verse or two from a piece on rain
It is life sustaining
But not the essence of life
It can be cool and healing
Warm and soothing

And though it can be
continuous and damaging
It is a thing of beauty
A gift from above

Ah, rain and raindrops. But it is getting late and I have so much to do. I must bid you adieu. But before I go, for the next week... take a moment each day, stop what you are doing, go outside and take in all the beauty that surrounds you: the weather, the people, the buildings and nature. All of that has been created by a Higher Power, from whom the foundation of all creation stems. That Higher Power created and continues to create just for you and me, and as you are appreciating the beauty of creation, if it is raining and you are too embarrassed to splash in a puddle, catch a raindrop on your tongue. Then smile and know that, though life is not always easy, it is good. Oh, then go find someone special and kiss in the rain. Just because.

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. 
Langston Hughes (writer 1902-1967)

Friday, September 19, 2014

welcoming new and thanking long term sISTA gIRLS!!!

We want to take today to welcome all the new friends we have made this past summer. As fall approaches and summer ends, we remember, this is not an ending for us but a new beginning... full of possibilities. Falll is a wonderful season of color and learning. It reminds us to let go of the old to make way for the new. SO welcome all of you newbies and THANKS to those who have chosen to stay with us through all of the seasons. We hope you enjoy spending time with us as we enjoy sharing with you.

We here at Sista Girls Cafe hope that you enjoy what we have to say about women and friendships - with an emphasis on  female friendships and being strong women. Friendships are a cornerstone of life and we are glad to have a chance to share our thoughts with you and make new friends. We encourage you to share, like and comment... and... f you enjoy this blog, we ask you to spread the word so that others can read, like, comment and share with us. 

Don't forget to like, comment, and share our page on FB at

A dialogue between and on FB,  would be great. please comment. Anyway, today is all about you ... my sISTA gIRLS. and in honor of all of is a little poem...

My sista girls
Will always be around
My sista girls
Never put me down

My sista girls
I can trust you
My sista girls
I know you always be true

My sista girls
You are the best
My sista girls
You’re above all the rest

My sista girls
In you I confide
My sista girls
In my heart you abide

My sista girls
Together to the end
My sista girls
My best friends

sISTA gIRLS ... We love you and are glad to be sharing our journey through this life with you

-- author of picture unknown --

Thursday, September 11, 2014

i know where the love is and it has made a difference... please share this

is it me? again i ask this question of you... my sISTA gIRLS. is it me?  you know, as a rule, i do not listen to the news. i do not read the news. i spend most of my day looking at beautiful things and listening to beautiful music. i surround myself, in my home, with beautiful is not just that i enjoy beautiful things - i am trying to keep evil at bay.

it does work with me, but as with everything on my journey, it is a hard thing to do. it is hard to let go of my attitudes, perceptions, experiences and focus on just the good and the beautiful. it is hard to focus on the light to keep away the darkness. i know i have told you before - my friends say i wear rose-colored glasses. i still don't think that is true. but i do believe if we each try to seek the goodness in others first and try to be kind, we would all be part of a love movement that would bring the people of this world closer to the world it was created to be... a world of love. but as with letting go, that is hard.

The other day, i and the people i am in a learning group with,  went out to feed people who without our kindness would not eat that night. But we could each spend only seven dollars. and we had to feed a lot of people in two hours. you would be surprised at some of the wonderfully outrageous things we did to make our seven dollars go far. in the end we feed real food - bread, water, pizza and more, to over two hundred people.

and... we didn't just feed them, we talked to them, exchanged names, smiled and connected.  we were not a lot of people. we didn't have a lot of money. we didn't have a lot of time. we didn't have... wait... you know what? it doesn't matter what we didn't have. what matters is what we had. we had each other. we had the desire to make a difference. we had the commitment to help and love. we had the willingness to get what we wanted done without worrying about how we did it.

i am telling you -  love is growing, spirituality is spreading, self-introspection is becoming popular and more people are trying to live lives of kindness, love and peace.

so today, i am lifting up those who are going through hard, sad, tumultuous times. i am holding my heart in my hand and letting the glow of my soul fill my heart with radiant love. and then i am going to step outdoors and hold my heart up to the heavens. i believe the radiant glow of my heart's loving kindness will reach out to the hearts and souls of others. i believe it will touch others and they will wish to spread this loving kindness to others, as well.

i believe we should all hold our hearts in our hands and let the glow of our souls fill our hearts with radiant love. and then step outdoors and hold our heart up to the heavens. i believe the radiant glow of all of our hearts... of our loving kindness will reach out to the hearts and souls of others. if enough of us share loving kindness, perhaps next week we will start to hear stories of overcoming and health, of peace and joy, of compassion and goodness. perhaps we will hear stories of love and kindness and we will know that loving kindness does abound in this world of ours.

if you read this and are moved to comment... please tell me and my friends .... you know where the love is... it is within each and every one of us!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

knights in shiny armor

i saw this on one of my FB pages. I had mixed feelings about the quote, was about to disagree when I thought I would take a look at some of the other comments. imagine my delight when the first comment I saw was this picture.

As I read the comments, i found most of the women seemed to feel as I did - either they didn’t need to be rescued or they didn’t need a man to rescue them (they could do it themselves). I especially loved this comment:  “this assumes that the non-shiny knight has learned from the things that have left scars”. As I am dating or whatever it is that I am doing in my search (if that’s what this is) for a harmonious relationship with a good man, I have my own comments. I would love to share them.

My concern about the knight with torn and tattered armor is his commitment to wanting to keep me safe. I have a lot of questions Does he still want to fight? Is he still willing to stick his neck out? Is he tired? What are the effects of the previous battles? Does he carry all that baggage from past battles with him? These are just a few of them.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I don’t want my own, personal knight, I do. Don’t most if us? However, I am also saying I have issues. Heck, don’t most men want their own princesses or queens (who are wickedly sinful in the bedroom). Sure they do. But they don’t really want damsels in distress. Do they? I hope not because I am not one. I like to think of myself as a wildly wonderful, superhero of fabulosity. I believe that when I find my partner, we will be rescuing each other... together, fighting side-by-side; and when we win, we will be celebrating and healing together, growing stronger and more united by all we go through and overcome.

I guess that’s why a don’t need a knight in shiny armor. Shiny armor probably means he has never fought. I don’t need someone who has no idea of how to fight and persevere. Or it could mean he thinks a perfect appearance is as important as the fight. Too much emphasis on looks means you are not paying sufficient attention to the inner you and that, I think, is as important… no... more important than the fight. If it means he has enough money to buy new armor, well that might be okay - so long as he doesn’t put money first.

Still, there is something sexy about a man willing to fight, succeed and then show you his battle scars. We all have them… some larger than others, some scars still healing, some scars still new. To reveal your scars gives others the confidence to reveal their own. We don’t learn or grow from hidden scars. We do learn and grow ( and deepen intimacy) when we share, open up and reveal our scars.  Of course, it is also important to learn from our scars; they are not just battle wounds we reveal to show how tough we are. They are not medals of honor to brag of. They are signs that we have fought, survived and overcome.

So, yes, I guess I do want a knight with used armor - proof he has fought, can fight, and can succeed. But I hope he has learned from his struggles, grown from his battles and emerged on the other side. I hope that when mine meets me, he will be willing to join with me in the journey of togetherness. I hope  that when battles appear (for they will), we will fight together, side -by-side. I hope that we will combine our strengths and minimize our weaknesses through our shared joining and then, when we celebrate our victories - which we will, we do it in the intimacy of shared dreams, united goals, magnificent meetings of the mind and the comfort of harmonious love.